Ghosts returns for a third series following young couple Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who unexpectedly inherit a grand country estate only to find it is both falling apart and overrun with ghosts. When a historical documentary team comes to film at Button House, Alison and the ghosts are shocked to discover that the assassination plot they’re exploring involves one of their own. Meanwhile, Mike - always on the lookout for free publicity - begs Alison to accept the offer of a television interview about the old house. The only hitch is Alison is terrified of speaking on camera. Luckily, Thomas is there to coach her in the art of speech-giving. What could possibly go wrong?
Ghosts returns for a third series following young couple Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who unexpectedly inherit a grand country estate only to find it is both falling apart and overrun with ghosts. When a historical documentary team comes to film at Button House, Alison and the ghosts are shocked to discover that the assassination plot they’re exploring involves one of their own. Meanwhile, Mike - always on the lookout for free publicity - begs Alison to accept the offer of a television interview about the old house. The only hitch is Alison is terrified of speaking on camera. Luckily, Thomas is there to coach her in the art of speech-giving. What could possibly go wrong?
主演:丽兹·卡潘,乔舒亚·杰克逊,阿曼达·皮特,伯特·布洛斯,Gary Perez,Tiago Roberts,菲奈莎马丁内斯,Jesse Mackey,Alfred Smith III,安东尼·L·费尔南德斯,Michelle Twarowska,鲁本·达里奥,阿丽莎·吉勒斯,Theo Wilson,杰西卡·哈珀,托克斯·奥拉贡多耶,约翰·盖兹,旺达·德·杰索斯,大卫·苏利文,卡洛斯·普拉斯,Randy Vasquez,肯佐·李,Peggy Dunne,丹·华纳,坦琳娜·庞西,西尔·布罗迪,戴维·索西多,沈明